100% of all donations received are distributed to the needy families of Uganda and South Africa
Brett Deledio We-Care Ambassador
(AFL Footballer - Richmond Football Club)

Every 30 seconds a child in Africa dies of treatable disease....but you can help!
We are acting in faith as we believe we have been called to Africa to share the “Good news” of Jesus Christ to the nation.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27

100% of all funds donated to WE-CARE will reach their destination and be used for the sole purpose of feeding, providing clothing, bedding, meeting schooling needs and creating a "safe" environment for the children in the communities of both Tekatakho South Africa and Kiwanga Uganda. Progressively, at the discretion of the WE-CARE board of management projects will be undertaken to develop skills and create work that can have the ability to equip the people of these communities to become independent and create a more sustainable environment.
By regularly visiting and working within the communities, the We-Care Board members ensure all funds are being used for the purposes they were intended and to the best possible advantage.
The recent pandemic has had a devastating effect on these communities. The government has promised food, but it has not arrived. Missionaries have, in many cases, been told to go back to their countries and have not returned. Supply chains have been broken. Unfortunately these children are now even more deprived - many are surviving on one meal of porridge per day.
UGANDA has the largest orphan population per capita of any country in the world and is home to some 8 million orphans and vulnerable children whose families have been devastated by HIV/AIDS and extreme poverty.
SOUTH AFRICA has been torn apart by apartheid and is now in the "healing" process, unemployment runs as high as 70%, and those that do have work (usually the women) are paid a pittance, which provides little more than a basic roof over their head and/or meets only some modest meal requirements. Corruption is rife at all levels.
Both these communities have one of the highest rates of AIDS affected households anywhere in the world
Here at WE-CARE FOUNDATION, we are driven to do our part in making the world a better place. Since 2009, we have taken part in a wide range of activities that empower individuals and communities. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits. Are you ready to join us and create real transformation in the lives of so many?Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
WE-CARE welcomes the ideas and assistance given by people that share our heart for the children of Africa.
"It is not he who has much who is rich... it is he who gives much"

To see these beautiful children, who are victims of these impoverished African communities grow into healthy, happy adults with all the same opportunities that are enjoyed and taken for granted in the Western world.