100% of all donations received are distributed to the needy families of Uganda and South Africa
Brett Deledio We-Care Ambassador
(AFL Footballer - Richmond Football Club)

Millions of dollars in aid has already gone into Africa and much of it has been wasted through mismanagement and corrupt governments!...Africa’s future lie's with its children. We-Care believes that the children of Africa can be raised up to break free from poverty. We see a nation of self-sufficient, educated and empowered children!
We-Care volunteers travel to Africa every year to build relationships, encourage our Leaders, work within the Community, and spend time getting to know the children to help us familiarise ourselves with their needs!
Your willingness to assist us with finance or partcipate in one of our trips would me more than welcome, particularly if you have a Trade skill that can be used.
Please contact us if you would like to know more.
To partner with our African family, provide financial support and work side by side with them as they learn all the necessary personal, family, social, work and business skills to develop and grow as a community that is self-reliant and sustainable
We-Care requires funding to continue and grow their work and feeding projects in these communities and welcome any Corporations that would like to partner with us and give consideration to an involvement as their "preferred Charity"
We would welcome an opportunity to present photo and video evidence of what we have already achieved and share our vision for Africa.
If interested please contact us and a time can be made to outline the full extent of that arrangement.
For as little a a $1 a day you could change the life of a starving child.
The best portion of a good person's life, is the nameless, unremembered acts of love and kindness...William Wadsworth.
For less than the cost of a cup of coffee each day you could help a child resume his or her schooling