100% of all donations received are distributed to the needy families of Uganda and South Africa
Brett Deledio We-Care Ambassador
(AFL Footballer - Richmond Football Club)
Man cannot think or work until he has food in his tummy, our first objective will always be to see that the children of these communities are being fed. WE-CARE assists with a shared arrangement in providing meals for some 180 children 5 days a week in South Africa and personally providing up to 120 meals two days a week in Uganda
Everyone in todays world deserves the right to have clean healthy water. Much of these communities have been reliant on stagnant water holes and/or the local government delivery systems which are both corrupt and unreliable. WE-CARE assists by putting down bores and providing tanks and spouting on houses where deemed necessary.
Many of the children in therse communities have not known what it is like to sleep on a mattress and have been sleeping on the ground, often being forced to wrap themselves in their parents clothing to try and keep warm, with winters that can get quite cold this is unthinkable for any of us in the Western world.
Large numbers of children have only one parent or are living with an aunt, uncle or grandparent, many families are child headed households with children as young as 14 looking after several siblings. These children invariably will not be in school because fees are unaffordable. Many young girls in particular are vulnerable, threatened with being sold off into an early marriage or simply being unsupervised and idle at home can see them susceptable to rape, abuse and sometimes prostitution if that enables them to survive.
WE-CARE sets up and administers micro-finance projects with a strict accountable criteria around its management. Sewing, market gardening, retail, small farming enterprises are encouraged for community members to learn new skill sets that can be income generating and so start the process of self-sustainability
Orphaned children living on the street are quite a common sight, where 4-5 of them will sleep in old wrecked cars in an attempt to keep warm. They scavenge scrap metal and other things to sell for food. Crime is the only option for a great number of them to survive. WE-CARE has a vision to build a refuge where we can bring in these children, feed and clothe them temporarily until we can intergrate them back into a family enviroment.